Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve  sorted our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) into 5 major sections.  Please find the section that applies to you and take the time to read.  80% of all the questions we receive are answered below.


I'm new to Supreme Basketball®
I’m a player (parent) where should I start?

First, please subscribe to our newsletter by clicking here as we actively email notices about important information about our teams and when registration links are available.

Second, please find the sections within this FAQ page titled "Why should I play for Supreme?" and "Supreme Team Tryouts" for more detailed information.  

  • If Pre-K-2nd grade, please start on our Camps page.  We believe in teaching fundamental basketball at the early ages to create an enjoyable experience for these young players as they learn the game we all love.
  • If 2nd-12th grade, please start on our Tryouts page (at the very top of our website).  Tryouts are held twice a year.  August tryouts are held for our Fall/Winter Supreme Basketball teams (2nd-8th grade) who compete during the months of October-February.  Also, our March tryouts are held for our Spring/Summer Supreme Basketball teams (3rd-17U) who compete during the months of April-July.  
    • Our Basketball teams practice twice per week during the season with games on the weekends.  Each Supreme Basketball team has about 8-10 players on it at a similar skill level to maximize development opportunities.

To learn more about our teams and which team is closer to your territory, please visit our Teams page.


*if in 2nd grade, you can choose to start either with Camps or with Tryouts.  This is an in-between age where some parents feel comfortable starting on teams in 2nd grade and some would rather just work on skills.  Either way we are ready to support you.

I’m an independent program director/coach looking to register my team(s) for Leagues and/or Tournaments?

Please send us a message through our Contact page if you would like more information sent to you or want to talk with us over the phone about our leagues and tournaments.  We would like to get to know you and your program better, and see how we can best serve you.

If you are a program director/coach of a 2nd-8th grade team(s) looking to compete in our Fall/Winter CYBL league or tournaments, we suggest you visit our Leagues page and Tournaments page to review available options and register your program/team(s).  The best time to register for Fall/Winter events is during September/October each year.

If you are a program director or coach of a 3rd grade-17U team(s) looking to compete in the Spring/Summer, we suggest you visit our Tournaments page to review available options and register your program/teams(s).  The best time to register for Spring/Summer is during February/March each year. 

Please visit the last two sections of this FAQ page for more detailed information that relates to you.

I’m a Referee or interested in becoming a Referee with Supreme Basketball leagues and tournaments?

We are actively seeking more Referees to work as an independent contractor for Supreme Basketball leagues and/or tournaments.  This is a fun way to enjoy the game of basketball while getting paid.  You are making a great impact within the Lincoln & Omaha & Council Bluffs Communities when you referee youth sports.

If interested, please contact Montsho Wilson, Director of Officials at Supreme Basketball, at .

Referee opportunities:

* Fall 3V3 League

* October-December each year for Session 1 of CYBL

* January-February each year for Session 2 of CYBL

* November-February each year for tournaments run by Supreme Basketball

* April-July each year for tournaments run by Supreme Basketball

* June each year on Friday’s only for 3V3 league 

* June High School team summer league

I'm interested in coaching a team at Supreme Basketball®. Where do I start?

We are always interested in talking to someone willing to coach.  Including if that means you are looking to build your coaching resume for future coaching opportunties at the high school or college level.  We have a long track-record of success in developing coaches to reach their career goals at the high school, college and professional levels.  Coaching opportunities could range from head coach, to assistant coach, to practice only coach.  We'll help place you based on your interests and availability.  Contact Ryan Reeder,, President at Supreme Basketball today to start that conversation.  

Also, every coach for Supreme Basketball gains access to the Thriving Coaches University system from Advisor Game Plan.  This system was developed by Doug Woodard, legendary basketball coach, who made the focus of Thriving Coaches University around how to develop players as a youth sports coach.  We can all learn from this material regardless of your experience level as a coach.

Why should I play for Supreme Basketball®? (what's included)
NXTPRO Hoops NXT circuit the Official Puma circuit

We are privileged to have our high school teams play on NXTPRO Hoops NXT the Official Puma circuit.  This is one of the best AAU basketball circuits in the industry with real college coach exposure for our players.  Sometimes those words are overused as there is a lot of confusion of what creates real exposure for a player.  We have researched our industry carefully to identify a circuit that truly delivers the opportunities that your player wants.  You can learn more about NXTPRO here  or ask our staff about it.  

The best area coaches coach at Supreme Basketball® - Thriving Coaches University at Advisor Game Plan

We believe that having a coach that is experienced and has coaching resources available to help them grow as a coach is vital to your player's development.  This is why we have partnered with Advisor Game Plan and Doug Woodard, legendary Bellevue West basketball coach, to provide each Supreme Basketball coach with the following:

  1. Monthly small group consulting calls to help each coach grow
  2. Access to only coaching videos to help each coach improve their skills - hundreds of resources available
  3. Practice assistance from Doug Woodard - at least once a season Doug will be on site giving pointers and observing to provide feedback to coaches so they can be the best coach possible
  4. Podcasts - Doug hosts two podcasts interviewing coaches and diving deeper into coaching topics.  Each coach will have access to learn ideas from some of the best high school and college and professional coaches in the region.
Full-time Staff with a servant leadership mindset

Our full-time staff members are here to create a world-class family experience for everyone playing on a Supreme team.  They get it, want it, and have the capacity to do it by being full-time employee's of Supreme.  They want to get to know you and your player and create our small town, family focused experience when you play for Supreme.

  • Ryan Reeder, full-time President & Basketball Director

  • Alicia Wright, full-time Operations Manager

  • Montsho Wilson, full-time Director of Officials

  • Zach Bodfield, full-time Bracketing Specialist

  • Camden Otto, part-time Social Media Specialist

Please reach out to our amazing people anytime to ask questions or to just create a deeper connection with us.  We want to get to know you and serve you to the best of our ability.

Best-in-class facilities for practices

We are thankful to have best-in-class facilities for practices and games.  In Lincoln, specifically at Kinetic Sports Complex and Speedway Sports Complex, this is a unique opportunity for you as a parent to have consistent locations to drop off multiple players, and it is an opportunity for players to practice in the best environment for their development.  We also probably underestimate the camaraderie that happens between all of our coaches and so many parents by all being in these large, eight court facilities together.

Even better is the enviornment it creates for games at our events.  This gives the opportunity to our patrons to watch their siblings games, other friends games, or other Supreme teams games during the same visit on a weekend event.  It minimizes the driving around to 4 different schools in a weekend and creates a more consistent experience for everyone who enters our doors.

NXTSTAT Sports Science included for each Supreme Basketball player

NXTSTAT is a sports science program that will contribute to each athlete's overall sports experience that is a separate business/leadership from Supreme Basketball. We, as in Supreme Basketball, believe it is a competitive advantage for our players long term to have access to the data that NXTSTAT will provide our athletes.  Force plates will be used to collect objective data and unique software to deliver the results. 

As young athletes participate in more and more competitive programs, sports and seasons, their bodies are put under more and more demand. NXTSTAT helps ensure “doing more” is done as safely and efficiently as possible for each athlete’s individual body and career goals.

Sports Science + Player Profiles with progress reports that are shareable with College Recruiters or Professional Scouts are services that NXTSTAT will provide athletes.

Check out for more information.

"The profiling and benchmarking of athletes is a critical part of the process for informing training and programming. It also allows a complete picture of the athlete to be developed, including physiocial, psychological, technical, and tactical aspects. This has implications for athlete performance and injury prevention. Therefore, using data to inform short- and long-term decisions to support athlete development is also necessary.” 
— Essentials of Sports Science, National Strength and Conditioning Association.

Kratos athletic training included

We believe in holistically helping our athletes.  This would include the importance of working with a trusted athletic trainer.  Kratos is a leader in the athletic training industry in Lincoln, NE.  You can learn more about them here .  David Swartz does a great job developing athletic talent and can help your player improve.

Who receives Kratos included in their Supreme Basketball player registration fees?

  • Spring/Summer Lincoln Supreme players 5th grade and older have 8 workouts included each season.
  • Fall/Winter East Supreme and Silver Hawk Supreme and Thunder Supreme teams 5th grade and older have 8 workouts included each season.
Hudl Subscription to upload your games for college coaches

We purchase a Hudl subscription for our National High School level teams to make sure your games are posted in front of hundreds of college coaches.  Supreme Basketball records your games, posts them on Hudl, and puts you in the position to be seen by college coaches.  This is another layer of how we promote Nebraska based players to get national interest.

Yes, this takes us extra effort and coordination, but that extra work that we put in for your best interest is worth it!

Minimize travel cost through our local event network

We understand that most parents want good competition at the right level for their player so that they can develop, and would prefer to play locally as much as possible - minimize travel cost and time.  We also want to minimize travel for you especially in the winter weather months.  We have the connections and access to get our Supreme Basketball teams into local events with excellent competition to minimize travel.  Here is how we are able to accomplish this:

  1. We host many Supreme Basketball leagues and tournaments right here in Lincoln, but also in Kearney, Grand Island, Columbus and other Nebraska communities.  These are very organized tournaments that pay attention to all the details with our proprietary bracketing system.
  2. We have common ownership with Omaha Sports Academy through Willet & Cumro Innovations LLC, so we can attend similar organized events just down the road with new teams as competition.
  3. We can attract out of state talented teams to come to play in our events in Nebraska through our relationships with out of state clubs who will travel their teams to our events.  
  4. We invested in AI (artificial intelligence) bracketing technology to increase the accuracy of competitive bracketed games into the future.

Our teams will travel when there are great opportunities that can't be matched locally for your team, however we want you to know that we are aware and focused at minimizing travel costs for you.  Contact our staff today to learn more about our event plans.  We are focused on minimizing travel while not sacrificing on finding great competition to play against in well organized events.

Organized Communication

We use technology to efficiently communicate proactively with our players parents/guardians.  You can expect constant proactive communication of upcoming events, upcoming practice schedules, upcoming opportunities, etc. from us and your coach.  

For one example, we have invested in using The Play App as a messaging app that all our coaches use to communicate with the parents on the team.  It's free to all coaches and parents to use when they play for a Supreme Basketball team.

We also recognize that communciation mistakes do happen.  If you see a repeat pattern of poor communication somewhere within our organization, please contact and let us know how we can improve.

Sponsor of Nebraska Supreme

Supreme is the proud financial sponsor for Nebraska Supreme, and our staff volunteers countless hours of time to serve the players and their families that are a part of Nebraska Supreme around the region.  You can learn more about Nebraska Supreme and consider donating to their efforts to serve players who otherwise wouldn't be able to experience travel basketball on a national level at .

Supreme Team Tryout FAQs

How do tryouts work for the Fall/Winter Supreme Basketball teams?

Our goal for tryouts is to place all players of all skill levels on the appropriate team for them to continue to develop their skills in the best environment. We have four different programs under our Supreme brand in Lincoln for Fall and Winter. Players are able to try out for the program of their choice, but are only allowed to try out for one and not multiple ones. (Please click on each to register)

*Silver Hawks Supreme

*East Supreme 

*Thunder Supreme

*Lincoln Supreme Girls

When you accept an invitation to join a team, each team will practice two times per week from early October to late February and play in multiple tournaments and our CYBL leagues, session 1 and 2. Tournaments will be chosen once between coaches and parents of each team that works for all parties.  

Tryouts are held in middle to late August of each year. Registration links for all the above teams open up in January each year on our “Tryouts” page on our website. Also, please register for our Newsletter so you are up-to-date on all announcements.

How do tryouts work for the Spring/Summer Supreme Basketball teams?

Our goal for tryouts is to place all players of all skill levels on the appropriate team for them to continue to develop their skills in the best environment.  We have three team programs within Supreme Basketball for the Spring/Summer AAU season.  They are: 

*Lincoln Supreme Basketball - practices will be held in Lincoln, NE at the Kinetic Sports Complex.  

*CNBA Supreme Basketball - practices will be held in Aurora, NE.

*Tri-City Supreme Basketball - practices will be held in Grand Island, NE and Kearney, NE and Hastings, NE.  

When you accept an invitation to join a team, each team will practice two times per week from late March-July and play in multiple tournaments to be determined in combination with Supreme Basketball and your coach and parent interactions after teams are set.

Tryouts are held in March each year.  Registration links for all the above teams open up in January each year on our “Tryouts” page on our website.  Also, please register for our Newsletter so you are up-to-date on all announcements.

Cost to join a team?

Spring/Summer Supreme Basketball Pricing:

includes:  1) tournament registration fees, and 2) organized practices in elite facilities 3) experienced coaches 4) Sports Science results 5) athletic training sessions for 5th+ grade

2nd - Pay in Full (need a jersey) - $510
2nd - Payment Plan (need a jersey) - $535

3rd/4th - Pay in Full (need a jersey) - $710
3rd/4th - Payment Plan (need a jersey) - $735
3rd/4th - Pay in Full (NO jersey) - $595
3rd/4th - Payment Plan (NO jersey) - $620

5th-7th - Pay in Full (need a jersey) - $1,010
5th-7th - Payment Plan (need a jersey) - $1,035
5th-7th - Pay in Full (NO jersey) - $895
5th-7th - Payment Plan (NO jersey) - $920

8th - Pay in Full (need a jersey) - $1,110
8th - Payment Plan (need a jersey) - $1,135
8th - Pay in Full (NO jersey) - $995
8th - Payment Plan (NO jersey) - $1,020

Lincoln Supreme National - Pay in Full (need a jersey) - $1,360
Lincoln Supreme National - Payment Plan (need a jersey) - $1,385
Lincoln Supreme National - Pay in Full (NO jersey) - $1,235
Lincoln Supreme National - Payment Plan (NO jersey) - $1,270

Lincoln Supreme Regional - Pay in Full (need a jersey) - $1,260
Lincoln Supreme Regional - Payment Plan (need a jersey) - $1,285
Lincoln Supreme Regional - Pay in Full (NO jersey) - $1,145

Lincoln Supreme Regional - Payment Plan (NO jersey) - $1,170*we are a NXTPRO and Puma sponsored program so we use sublimated Puma jerseys that can last your player for multiple spring/summer seasons.  Please consider this when choosing your size order for jerseys.


Fall/Winter Supreme Basketball Player Registration costs:

includes: 1) all CYBL league registration costs, 2) all tournament registration costs, and 3) organized practices in elite facilities, and 4) experienced coaches 5) NXTSTAT Sports Science testing 6) Kratos athletic training sessions for 5th+ grade

*We are moving to Puma sublimated jerseys that can last your player for multiple fall/winter seasons that you must order this season.  Please consider this when choosing your size order.

2nd-3rd Grade
Note:  This covers both sessions of CYBL league and the three (3) tournaments that Supreme Basketball hosts individually in Lincoln and two, one hour practices a week.

  • One Time Online Payment - $425 + $115 sublimated Puma Jersey
  • One Time Offline Payment - $475 + $115 sublimated Puma Jersey
  • Online Payment Plan - $450  + $115 sublimated Puma Jersey (coming soon upon registration / remainder coming out on November 1st)

4th Grade
Note:  Five (5) tournaments are now included, as well as two (2) 90 minute practices per week (an additional hour per week of practice time), also still includes both sessions of CYBL League

  • One Time Online Payment - $575 + $115 sublimated Puma Jersey
  • One Time Offline Payment - $625 + $115 sublimated Puma Jersey
  • Online Payment Plan - $600 + $115 sublimated Puma Jersey ($coming soon upon registration / remainder coming out on November 1st)

5th-8th Grade
Note:  Unlimited tournaments are now included (along with both sessions of CYBL league) and all 5th-8th grade players get 8 sessions (included in the price) at our speed/strength/agility facility at the Kinetic Sports Complex, as well as testing with NXTSTAT.

  • One Time Online Payment - $750 + $115 sublimated Puma Jersey
  • One Time Offline Payment - $800 + $115 sublimated Puma Jersey
  • Online Payment Plan - $775 + $115 sublimated Puma Jersey ($coming soon upon registration / remainder coming out on November 1st)
What size basketball and hoop height?

Spring/Summer Teams:

9U-13U = 28.5 basketball and 10ft hoops

14U-17U = 29.5 basketball and 10ft hoops

Fall/Winter CYBL:

2nd-3rd grade = 27.5 basketball and 9ft hoops

4th-7th grade = 28.5 basketball and 10ft hoops

8th grade = 29.5 (men's ball) and 10ft hoop

I'm a coach of my own independent team - can i bring my team under the Supreme affiliation model?

Over the last couple years, we have seen an increase in independent coaches reaching out to us asking for help.  They are looking for support from our full-time staff with all the work it takes to run a team(s) and if they can bring their independent team under the Supreme umbrella for that support.  The answer is yes you can and you can keep your roster intact. We focus on maintaining team chemistry while providing a supportive environment that enhances your collective skills. Join us, and let’s keep your team spirit alive while elevating your team!  Please contact Ryan Reeder, President & Basketball Director to brainstorm what this would look like. 

  • Benefits or reasons why other coaches have chosen to do this?
    • Our full-time operations staff will do all the work of organizing player registrations, tracking down payments, registering your team for tournaments & league, ordering jersey's, etc.  You get to focus back on what you basketball without all the other administrative headaches.
    • Practice space is free in our facilities if you are affiliated with Supreme.  No more practice rental payments.
    • Practicing at a facility like Kinetic or Speedway is a collaborative experience for coaches & parents.  Coaches building relationships with other coaches and collaborate to help each other.
    • Puma gear access - jersey's, fan gear, etc. is all available to anyone in the Supreme family.
    • Communication and technology offerings.  We will help you with consistent communication to your players and their families and grant you access to our cutting edge technology suite.

Camp FAQs

What months does Supreme Basketball run skill camps?

Please visit our Camps page for more info.

What do I need to bring?
  • Basketball
  • Water bottle
  • Basketball shoes (ideally if these could be shoes your player carries in and switches to wearing instead the facility only, this will help us keep our basketball court flooring in good shape)
  • Ready to learn attitude

Tournament FAQs - Independent Programs FAQ

Why should I choose to bring my independent team to a Supreme Tournament? Top 5 Reasons

There are many reasons to register your independent team in our Supreme Tournaments, and here we pulled together the top 5 most common reasons shared with us by your peers:

  1. Best-in-Class facilities for any league in the region.  90%+ of our games are played at Kinetic Sports Complex and Speedway Sports Complex.  Having these multi-court facilities creates the following benefits:
    • The energy and environment of walking into a game in a multi-court facility is unmatched. What an awesome environment for our youth to play in.
    • Less driving around town for multiple kids games - also less likely to miss one of your kids games than the old school tournament structure using five high school and middle school gym locations.
    • Watch your friends play before or after your game or show your support for other teams within your program.
    • Concessions are available for your convenience at Kinetic Sports Complex and Speedway Sports Complex.
    • We strive to create a family friendly experience for all people entering our doors.  Please help us by showing respect and good sportsmanship throughout all the competitions.
  2. Full-time operations staff at Supreme is ready to serve you and create a best-in-class league experience.  
    • Ryan Reeder, full-time President & Basketball Director of Supreme
    • Zach Bodfield, full-time BracketBrain App and Bracketing Specialist of Supreme
    • Montsho Wilson, full-time Director of Officials of Supreme
    • Alicia Wright, full-time Operations Manager of Supreme
    • Camden Otto, part-time Social Media Specialist of Supreme
  3. The best competition in Lincoln & Central Nebraska play in our Tournaments consistently.  This creates the opportunity for all teams at all levels to play in a bracket with similar competition, while also having your shot at playing the best at your age group to showcase what you are able to do.  
  4. Social Media and Marketing staff are an investment we have made to help showcase the experience of playing in our tournaments.  You will see them around at most games sharing tournament updates throughout the weekend and stories throughout the whole tournament season.
    • Camden Otto, part-time Social Media Specialist of Supreme, will lead a team of individuals watching games and providing updates and stories on social media.
  5. Full-time Director of Officials, Montsho Wilson, works hard to organize the best Officials in Lincoln & Central Nebraska to referee our tournament games.  Having two officials on every court for every game is our highest priority, while training each official to be their best and create the best fan/coach experience possible.  We understand that there will always be disagreements around basketball calls, but creating an accountable experience to keep calm, respectful interactions and respond appropriately in the heat of competition is our goal to create an amazing experience for everyone involved.  
Are there medals handed out at the end of the tournament?

Yes, but the type of award can very per event type.  Here is a breakdown of how it typically works for our events.

  1. Independent Tournaments & end of league tournament for winter session of CYBL League - typically there are gold medals for the champion of each bracket and silver medals for the runner-up of each bracket. In unique sponsored tournaments, we give out championship t-shirts to the champions of each bracket. 
  2. End of League Tournament for Fall Session of CYBL League - we have a trophy for each player on the team that wins the championship. 

*Awards will be at the scores table for you at the end of your game if there is a decisive bracket winner.  However, if you cannot find your award after the game, please check with the site director as there may be games left to finish in your bracket before a champion can be clearly identified.  Please stay patience with us and talk with the local site director at the front entrance to determine results and how we can follow-up with you later if awards are due for your team once all games in your bracket are finished.  

*FAQ Do we give out bronze medals to 3rd place?  No.  

*FAQ Do we give out silver medals to 2nd place specifically on events that champions are awarded t-shirts or trophies instead of gold medals?  No.

What is the entry gate cost for fans at Tournament days/weekends?

Tournament Gate Attendance fees are:


  • Adults are $10 daily or $24 weekend pass
  • Kids ages 5-18 are $4 daily or $10 weekend pass
  • Kids 4 and under are free

**credit card only payments



  • Adults are $11 per day or $26 weekend pass
  • Kids ages 5-18 are $5 per day or $11 weekend pass
  • Kids 4 and under are free

**credit card only payments

Cost to enter my team in a tournament?

Please see tournaments pricing and registration process at or talk to Ryan Reeder at 

What size basketball and hoop height?

Spring/Summer Teams:

9U-13U = 28.5 basketball and 10ft hoops

14U-17U = 29.5 basketball and 10ft hoops

Fall/Winter CYBL:

2nd-3rd grade = 27.5 basketball and 9ft hoops

4th-7th grade = 28.5 basketball and 10ft hoops

8th grade = 29.5 (men's ball) and 10ft hoop

Where do i find my team's game schedule?

Tournament schedules will be posted to Tourney Machine (please download the app on your phone) on the Friday before the tournament (so usually 7 days before the start of the tournament).

League FAQs - Independent Programs FAQ (includes 3-on-3 leagues too)

Why Register Your Independent Team to Play in the CYBL League? Top 5 Reasons

There are many reasons to register your independent team in the CYBL League each fall and winter, and here are the top 5:

  1. Best-in-Class facilities for any league in the region.  All games are played at Kinetic Sports Complex and Speedway Sports Complex.  Having these multi-court facilities creates the following benefits that high schools or middle schools do not provide:
    • The energy and environment of walking into a game in a multi-court facility is unmatched.
    • Less driving around town for multiple kids games - also less likely to miss one of your kids games when another kid is playing in a different location.
    • Watch your friends play or show your support for other teams within your program.
    • Concessions are available for your convenience.
    • We strive to create a family friendly experience for all people entering our doors.  Please help us by showing respect and good sportsmanship throughout all the competitions.
  2. Full-time operations staff at Supreme is ready to serve you and create a best-in-class league experience.  
    • Ryan Reeder, full-time President & Basketball Director
    • Zach Bodfield, full-time BracketBrain App & Bracketing Specialist
    • Montsho Wilson, full-time Director of Officials
    • Alicia Wright, full-time Operations Manager
  3. The best competition in Lincoln plays in the CYBL League.  This creates the opportunity for all teams at all levels to play in a bracket with similar competition, while also having your shot at playing the best in your age group to showcase what you are able to do.  
  4. Social Media and Marketing staff are an investment we have made to help showcase the experience of playing in our league.  You will see them around sharing league updates and stories throughout the season.
    • Camden Otto, Social Media Specialist
  5. Full-time Director of Officials, Montsho Wilson, works hard to organize the best Officials in the metro to referee CYBL League games.  Having two officials on every court for every game is our highest priority, while training each official to be the best and create the best fan/coach experience possible.  We understand that there will always be disagreements around basketball calls, but creating an accountable experience to keep calm, respectful interactions and respond appropriately in the heat of competition is our goal to create an amazing experience for everyone involved.  


*Don't forget that CYBL League Fall Session has an end of League Tournament combined with OSA's Pella League teams from Omaha and Council Bluffs included in it's registrations price.  This Tournament is essentially a State Championship for youth teams as it has the collective group of competitive teams throughout the region all participating in this end of league tournament.  Remember, this tournament is ONLY for teams registered in OSA's Pella League or Supreme's CYBL League (it is not open to independent registrations).  The feedback around this innovative idea has been overwhelmingly positive and is a special event that programs look forward to each year.

What leagues are offered by Supreme Basketball?

Supreme Basketball organizes a fall/winter league called CYBL (Championship Youth Basketball League), a September 3V3 league, and in the Summer they offer a 3V3 league in June each year and a High School team league in June each year.  Unaffiliated programs/teams are welcome to register on our website to have their teams play in these leagues.  Supreme Basketball is committed to bringing a majority of our teams to each of these events, as well as our full-time staff run the day of operations of the local events.

See Leagues page for more information or to register.

How is each 3-on-3 League team created and how is the league structured?

3-on-3 league is parent led for team creation.  What we mean by this is that parents should round up their own roster of players and register that roster all together at once.  Each team should consist of 3-5 players.  Each team needs to have one supervising adult at each game during the league in June and the league in September.  Teams will typically play two games each Friday in June (an example of the structure is game - break - game format), and each Monday evening in September.  

See Leagues page for more information or to register.

What is the entry gate cost for fans at League days/weekends?

Gate Attendance fees are:

September 3V3:

  • No Admission costs for any ages


Fall & Winter CYBL:

  • Adults are $5
  • Kids ages 5-18 are $5
  • Kids 4 and under are free

**credit card only payments


June 3V3:

  • No Admission costs for any ages


Summer High School League:

  • No Admission costs for any ages
Cost to enter my team in a league?

Please see league pricing and registration process at

What size basketball and hoop height?

Fall/Winter CYBL:

2nd-3rd grade = 27.5 basketball and 9ft hoops

4th-7th grade = 28.5 basketball and 10ft hoops

8th grade = 29.5 (men's ball) and 10ft hoop

Where do I find my team's game schedule?

League schedules are posted to Tourney Machine (please download the app on your phone).